Take Time For You
Lets talk about taking time for yourself. I think a lot of us probably forget how important it is to take time out just for you, to do stuff that makes you happy and not have to worry about doing things for other people. A quote that I really like is, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” The way I take that is you can’t keep on giving yourself without taking time for yourself. You can’t keep on carting your kids around from activity to activity and be joyful about it if you’re not making time for you.
Making time for you can mean many different things. It doesn’t have to be one specific thing or what everyone else does, try taking time to read a book, take a bath, spend time with friends, go to the movies, etc. Anything that will keep you feeling like you’re doing something for you and just you, to make you happy.
Taking time for yourself can be difficult, especially for parents or anyone caring for other people; but you shouldn’t feel guilty for taking time to fill your cup. When you go to give to your family or whoever needs your attention, you’ll be happier doing it, instead of being grumpy about it.
Take five minutes to do something nice for yourself. As you get more comfortable with it you can add more time. See where it goes, and how you feel. After a couple weeks of taking that time for yourself you’ll notice a difference in your mindset! Your family and friends will notice that you’re happier, less stressed and more excited to do things for other people because you’re taking time to take care of you. You’re leading by example for your kids and others in your life also because they need to know that they don’t have to be busy doing stuff with everyone all the time.
Start taking the baby steps towards making time for YOU.