It’s that time of year again, the time of year that is filled with graduation parties, backyard BBQ’s, weddings, camping, etc. All these events bring with them delicious foods and drinks. Some can be healthy, some can be a less than healthy option. Sometimes when we go for the less than healthy options we start to feel guilty over our food choices. We find ourselves “shoulding” all over ourselves, “I should’ve had fruit instead of cake”, “I should’ve drank less wine/beer/liquor”, “I should’ve had only one plate of food.” All of this shoulding isn’t helping anyone and neither is the guilt!
When you know that these events are coming you can make a plan of action. Making a plan is a good way for you to visualize what you would like to see happen. You can find out what’s on the menu, so you can decide if you need to eat a healthy snack before going or if there will be plenty of options for you there. Plan out what you are going to eat by visualizing your plate in your head; most of the plate can be veggies, with a healthy protein. You can also decide if you want to eat dessert or stick to fruit.
When it comes to alcohol you can make a game of it. As you’re standing around chatting with other guests pace yourself by being the last one to finish your drink. Another great trick is to make sure you are drinking water between beverages. This does two things slows down your drinking, and keeps you hydrated. Or you can forego alcohol altogether, by creating fun mocktails to enjoy.
Whatever situation you are in you can always rely on the two best habits ever! Eating slowly and to only 80% full. Eating slowly is simply the act of taking purposeful pauses between each bite. This helps you to slow down, enjoy your food and check it with yourself. Eating to 80% full just means you’re eating until you feel satisfied. Not stuffed or still hungry, you feel like you ate just the right amount of food. The more you practice being mindful/checking in with yourself, the better you will get, which is always the goal!
With these tips, you are ready to tackle your next fun event without the guilt!