Ahh it’s the most wonderful time of year! Time to get together with family, friends and coworkers, some of whom could be food pushers. Between now and the end of the year we have a lot going on! This is the time of year where in your health and wellness journey you start to rely on your BAMs (Bare A** Minimums), the habits you know you can easily achieve that keep you on track throughout this hectic, but also most wonderful season.
Who or what are food pushers you ask, in short they are the people who seem to question your eating habits, usually when you are doing things you haven’t done in the past. They can be the loving aunts or kindhearted friends that just can’t accept you NOT eating your usual plate full of food or second helping of dessert. They don’t seem to understand how important this journey has been for you. They may also think that you are just on one of those fad diets that only last 30 days, so why not just start over after the holidays, Oh No, No my friend, you know better than that!
Your journey isn’t just a 30, 60, 90 day stretch, these habits you are creating are for life. So how do you want your life look? This is especially important to be aware of around the holidays. It is important to plan for well meaning friends, family and coworkers. It will be beneficial for you to have a few key phrases ready, such as “Even though last year my plate was overflowing with food this year I know I can start out with a little of everything I love and can always go back for seconds if I am still hungry.” This is a great one for people who grew up with the Clean Plate Club, you know who you are!
The biggest thing to remember is that as much as their comments can make you feel uncomfortable, you are allowed to do what is right for you. Even if it is different from how you normally behave. Change is not only uncomfortable for you, but also others around you. As strange as it may sound, your family and friends get nervous when you make changes because sometimes they don’t know where they will fit in with this better version of you that you are achieving. Just letting them know that you still love and appreciate them can go a long ways. This time of year is an especially great time to let the ones you love and appreciate know how you feel!