Recently I came across a video of Will Smith talking about happiness. He was basically saying that your happiness is completely up to you, no one else has the power to create happiness within you. There are definitely things people can do that can add more joy to your life, but they are not in charge of your happiness. You are in charge of you and making yourself happy.

When it comes down to your health, fitness, and life, goals should all be based first and foremost on what makes you happy! That’s not being selfish, it’s making yourself a priority. Take time to figure out which healthy habits add more joy to your life, light up your day, bring you happiness! Remember, no one else can be in charge of making you happy. What brings others happiness will most likely be different than what makes you happy. But once you figure out what makes you happy you can let people know so they can help add to your happiness and you can do the same for them!

When you choose goals based on what makes you happy, you are changing for you not for someone else, (which is never a good idea). You are changing because you want to be a better version of yourself. Choosing a goal based on what makes you happy will help you stay focused and motivated during the process and even after you have reached your goal. By picking happiness over what you think you should be doing you will actually enjoy the journey of reaching your goals.

By focusing on figuring out what makes you happy will, in turn, help you be a happier person and a joy for others to be around. We can’t be happy all the time, but knowing what brings us joy can help us get out of the blahs quicker. What can you do more of to bring yourself happiness more often?