Holiday Survival Guide
With the holiday season upon us I thought it would be helpful to share my top tips so you don’t have to sacrifice all your hard work you’ve been putting in to reach your goals! These tips can be used at any time when you are busy with parties or events.
Self-Compassion: Always treat yourself with kindness first and foremost! We are humans with TONS of tempting foods and drinks available to us any time we want, which makes it extra tough especially during times of high stress. The holidays are supposed to be fun but sometimes there can be quite a bit of stress with purchasing gifts and trying to find enough time to spend with friends and family without sacrificing your needs.
A little bit, no scarcity mindset: With holiday specific treats there’s no need to binge or over eat, having a little bit each week is perfectly fine.
Water: Make sure you have water near you at all times. Many times people think they are hungry when in reality they are dehydrated. A rule of thumb to keep in mind is that usually drinking half your body weight in water helps keep you hydrated.
Eat a small meal before you go: Sometimes it helps to eat a small meal or snack before you go to a party or social event, especially if you aren’t sure what you’re options will be. Make sure to have lean protein, colorful veggies, and healthy fats in all your meals.
Slow down/80%: Slow Down! Make sure you are eating slowly and mindfully. By doing this you will have a better chance at checking in with yourself and your hunger/fullness cues. Follow the 80% rule, don’t eat till you’re stuffed, stop at a point where you are satisfied. Try to be the last person to finish what’s in your cup or on your plate.
Enjoy the company: You are there to enjoy the company so try to keep your mouth busy by chatting it up with friends, family, or colleagues. The more you are talking the less likely you are to over eat.