I think most of us have been in the situation of wanting or needing to lose weight.  Sometimes it’s for health reasons and other times it is just because we want to look good and feel comfortable in our own skin.  Whatever reason you are currently trying to lose weight for, or even maintain weight-loss, it all comes down to choosing a path. The path we choose to lose weight can be streamlined or it could be a rollercoaster.  

When it comes to losing weight I am not here to tell you the journey is easy or all rainbows and butterflies.  If you’re doing this the right way, to make a lifestyle change not a quick fix, the road is going to be challenging.  You are going to want to quit, maybe you will but, that drive to change your life and habits will still be there in the back of your head urging you to continue on.  When you want something bad enough you will continue to fight through the suck to get to your goal.  

The reason I believe weight-loss is a choice is because we are in charge of ourselves.  In most cases we are the ones that pick which foods we eat, how we will spend our time each day, and how we will move our bodies.  I could tell you that there is a magic fairy that will bop you on the head every time you veer off path but I think we both know that is a lie.  If it was as simple as someone telling us not to do something, A LOT of people wouldn’t be overweight or have illnesses such as Type 2 Diabetes.  Doctors tell people to change their habits all the time, but most people don’t listen.  Not necessarily because they don’t want to do better, but because it is hard to replace not so great habits with great habits.  It’s hard to say no to Grandma Lucille’s treat of the week.  It’s hard to make time to go outside for a walk.  It’s all hard!! Staying the same is hard and changing is hard, but in the end it is up to you to figure out which hard you want to deal with.

Lindsay Morinville Coaching 


