Have you ever tried quitting a habit that didn’t serve you only to end up getting a hard time from family and friends? Making the unpopular choice among your friends and loved ones is a very difficult task to take on. But it is something that can be done with the right attitude and motivations.
When picking something to quit whether it’s alcohol, sugar, or excessive time on electronics, whatever your poison may be, start by figuring out why you want to quit this behavior. It is going to be very important establishing this as soon as possible. This is what you will come back to again and again. Especially when people are giving you a hard time.
Once you have found your why find a way to track your progress. Choose a way that is motivating and fun at the same time! I really like printing off a monthly calendar to fill with gold star stickers! I use this process for as long as I need. Which is usually until it stops feeling difficult. Sometimes that is 30 days sometimes it’s six months! Really it comes down to when it has become a normal behavior for you.
Next is sense of humor!! This is very important! When the going gets tough you have to be able to laugh it off. Try to understand that when your family or friends are giving you a hard time it’s because they may not understand how important it is to you to change. They may be afraid of being left behind. Now in most cases you know this is not true, but try to understand it from their perspective. Change is hard for everyone, even if they aren’t making the change. Know that their comments aren’t yours to own. They are for you to let slide off you. For me that involves joking around or being sarcastic. May not be the best solution but they have worked for me with both family and friends!
The most important thing to remember is that you are worth it! You are worth the effort it will take, you are worth the time it will take, and you are worth making yourself a priority!