Today we’ll be talking about Self-compassion. Which, I think can be a bit awkward for us to practice and really understand what that means. There are three components to Self-compassion: Self-kindness, Common Humanity and Mindfulness.
Self-kindness is kindness to yourself. Even though you may have overate at your last meal, which is something you’re trying to avoid, you understand that there’s something else behind it. You could have been feeling sad, angry, stressed, rushed or all of these things at the same time. You can show yourself kindness by trying to notice what’s going on around you while you’re eating and be aware of the situation for the next time you sit down to eat. That will help out 100 percent.
Common Humanity means you’re not alone. You may think you’re the only person going through a hard time, whether it has to do with life, health, or fitness. People come across little road blocks that can make them feel alone or ashamed, but you have to realize that someone else has been through or going through a similar situation right now. Recognizing we are not alone when we are going through a difficult time is another way to show ourselves self-compassion.
The third part is Mindfulness: being aware of what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Next time you notice yourself in a negative moment, tune into your feelings. How are you feeling? What are you thinking? What are you doing at that time, and what are you experiencing? Focus on those three questions in that moment, without any judgment, just notice and name what’s going on.
Self-compassion can be implemented by treating and talking to yourself like you would a good friend. Find those negative words/phrases that you’re saying to yourself over and over again so you can start to put a positive spin on those words/phrases. Start figuring out what’s causing the behavior so you can fix it in a positive way. Come up with an action plan of how you’ll do better.