When making a change that will last your whole life there are a few things you might want to keep in mind.  You may need to change your mindset, All or Nothing thinking will not serve you here.  Most choices are on a continuum, no Good or Bad.  Forgiveness for yourself and your actions is key.  Find enjoyment in all that you do.  Last but not least, find a support group.

I mentioned All or Nothing Mindset in my March article, but it’s always worth mentioning over and over.  We can’t move forward if we’re constantly trying to be perfect ALL THE TIME!  All or Nothing thinking really gets you nowhere.  We need wiggle room when we’re making changes to our daily routines; Which leads me to continuums.

When we look at all of our choices in a day we need to see them on a continuum.  How can you move yourself one step closer today to your goal?  When you look at any choice today whether it’s about working out or what to eat for lunch, think about which choice will help move you along the continuum toward your goal. 

There will be times when we take a step backwards on the continuum, these are not times to berate ourselves.  These are opportunities to show ourselves forgiveness.  We all slip up, or sometimes we just really want that piece of cake, don’t punish yourself for being human! By making each misstep a lesson to learn from you are relieving yourself from the feelings of failure.

If you are making these changes to last a lifetime then you will definitely want to find enjoyment in all the ways you are making these changes.  If you are forcing yourself to eat foods and do workouts you don’t enjoy, then I am pretty sure you won’t be able to reach your goals or make them last a lifetime.  We MUST enjoy what we are eating and how we are moving our bodies!  There is so much variety out there, there should be no reason to make yourself suffer.

One of the best ways to make sure you are successful at creating life long changes is to surround yourself with like-minded people.  These can be friends, family, or anyone you think would be a good fit!  Having a support group gives you people to bounce ideas off of. You can share recipes, workouts, books, anything that will help you succeed!  Find people who will be there for you during highs and lows and do the same for them!

Implementing these five guidelines into your life will help you succeed at your goals and make them last a lifetime!  

Lindsay Morinville Coaching 

