There are many options to pick from when you set out to live a healthier lifestyle. All claiming to be the best available option to help you live your healthiest, happiest life, plus you can get it all done in 30 days or less with some plans!! But how do you know which plan is REALLY the BEST? This is where you get to have fun experimenting with yourself!
When it comes to a healthier lifestyle I wholeheartedly believe there is no one best option. We are all so different and unique that there just can’t be one. Some of us can tolerate grains with no issues, but some of us get very achy or worse eating grains. Some of us thrive on a high-fat diet, while others just can’t make it work. How do you know which plan to follow then? Honestly, you won’t know till you try it.
You don’t have to try every diet plan out there, you just have to try the ones that make the most sense to you and your needs! I like to pick up books on the diets that interest me the most, then read through them to see if they make sense for my family and I to try. There are plenty of options out there that will never make the list, but the ones that make the most sense we end up making a combination of to create our own plan that fits our needs and makes us feel good inside and out.
The things to look for when picking out a plan or two is to make sure they are pushing you to eat whole foods such as; fruits, vegetables, lean meats, healthy fats, and whole, minimally processed grains. Any plan built around these whole foods is one that I think will work best for most people. Everyone will need to do a little tweaking to know how much each of their bodies needs but starting here will definitely get you pointed in the right direction!
A few books you may find helpful are, Food What The Heck Should I Eat by Dr. Mark Hyman, Nourishing Wisdom by Marc David, Fat For Fuel by Dr. Joseph Mercola, and The Blood Sugar Solution 10 Day Detox Diet by Dr. Mark Hyman. If you would like further help on finding a healthy eating plan that is right for you please don’t hesitate to reach out for more information. Talk to you soon.