Asking for help doesn’t come easy for most people. We think we have to know it all and do it all, all on our own. But honestly, how’s that working for you? Don’t you think accomplishing a healthy lifestyle would be much easier if you had a team to help you along?
Focusing on bettering ourselves is uncomfortable, draining and takes a lot of effort. I am not just talking about the physical effort you put in, I am also talking about the mental and emotional effort. When you get down to it most of your effort is mental. Constantly thinking about what you’re going to eat, when you’re going to get your workout in, or how in the world will you fit it in with your crazy schedule! Navigating all the pieces in play can be overwhelming but with a little help you can do it and do it well!
We all need a support team, and most likely you already have one around you! We need someone to cheer us on, especially when we’re just not feeling it. We need someone to go along with us when we just aren’t feeling that run. We need someone to help with the kids so we can make time for ourselves! We all need a little help and there is nothing wrong with that.
When asking for help start with the people around you: husband/wife, kids, parents, friends. If you have small children ask your significant other or parents to help with childcare while you workout or do food prep. Ask friends to workout with you to hold you accountable for showing up. Possibly start a cooking night with friends or family where you all make healthy meals to share with each other throughout the week! These people can help you create your support system.
A strong support system is what will help you accomplish all your goals! We need people close to us helping and cheering us on throughout our journey! Especially when the times get tough!